Ibn ‘Ashur Centre exists to promote advancements in research on the Quran, drawing from the vast Islamic academic tradition with a keen eye on modern developments. Central to the success of this work in the long term is the development of scholars and researchers who are suitably qualified to engage with the relevant texts and contexts.

The educational and training content produced by the Centre is focused on intermediate and advanced levels, since general introductions to the Arabic language and the Quran are available elsewhere. One of our strategies is to provide specialist courses (takhaṣṣuṣ) for graduates of Islamic universities and seminaries, covering the academic contours of Quranic Studies and research skills in the field.

Ibn ‘Ashur Centre’s channel on YouTube

While our bespoke learning platforms and modules are still in development, a range of content and courses at the Intermediate level has already been provided to registered students and more broadly via our YouTube channel.

The content includes the following playlists (taught by Dr. Sohaib Saeed):

Tafsir of Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi: over 260 hours so far covering the Andalusian exegete’s concise commentary, with a special focus on the intricacies of Tafsir translation. The 12 introductory chapters are available to the public.

Al-Itqan: Quranic language & translation: 14 sessions presenting a methodologically rich overview of Chapters 36-42 of Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti’s compendium of Quranic sciences, which we have now published as Select Chapters of Itqān.

Specialist Diplomas

“The Three T’s”

Quran Translation

The first of our year-long diplomas will cater to students and graduates with strong competence in Arabic, to explore the theory and practice of translating the Quran. Particular emphasis will be on exegetical and linguistic resources, and critical analysis and comparison of existing translations.

Tafsir Education

The second diploma will focus on the skills of reading exegetical works effectively, with the practical aim of presenting their insights in classes and/or in translation. The modules will equip students with a thorough understanding of the genre and how to utilise it in contemporary pedagogical settings.

Advanced Reflection

Along with the mandate for all believers to reflect deeply on the Quran, there are particular skills employed by the scholars to extract original insights from the Quran. These methods will be covered in the third year of specialised study, along with methods to teach reflection to the broader public.